Since today begins the weekend, I decided to combine the next two letters, E and F. I will take today and tomorrow to work on them both.
I will be concentrating my " Efforts and Focus" on EMERGENCY Items and FILES.

Since these are rather dry and serious categories, I will try to throw something "EXCITING AND FUN" into the mix as well.
My Emergency File is already started, both in paper form and digital form. I will work at making sure I have a copy of all vital information for the family. I will also make sure we have "Hurricane" emergency supplies updated. This seems to be a smart thing to have living in Florida.
My Home and Personal Files for the most part are in pretty good shape. But they do need to be gone through and purged of out of date or non-relevant material.
I have a bad habit of making too many "miscellaneous" folders and accidently hide things from myself. So my goal is to make decisions on where these odd items should reside on a permanent basis.
So the Exciting and Fun part of the day has been putting 20 bags of mulch under several trees before the rain storm really hit.
Not what I call FUN, but surely EXCITING as the thunder rolled in!
Check back with me later and I will post some updates of my progress on my projects.
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