
Its always good to reconnect with a friend. Started my day catching up with a good friend.

How does 4 hours fly by so quickly?

By having true know, the kind where one talks and the other listens? Taking turns. Isn't that something we learned in kindergarten? Wonder when some lost that social grace!

By being interested enough in the emotions and feelings of another to respond appropriately deep instead of predictably shallow.

I will always be grateful for friends that know how to be friends. No matter how long the friendship, the give and take of conversation is a special hallmark of a special friendship.

Hello friend!




  1. This brings back memories of very late nights, as we learned from you guys about marriage. Thanks for giving us this precious gift!

  2. Oh how I remember our friendship and miss those days of serving together. Here's my simple moment- I'm sitting here with color on my hair remembering how you taught me to do it myself before you moved to Texas, miss you!!

  3. Me too! Remembering fondly all the years we served together. Those times set a real foundation in my heart to serve with women and bring out the best in others. We did have some good times! Hopefully we made a difference in lives along the way!
    Good job with your hair! Enjoy the moment and the results!


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