Favorite Things–Daily Bread Platter

Give us this day platter
We received this platter as a housewarming gift. It is a daily reminder of God’s provision of our needs for us each day.
I have it displayed on an easel in the family room, easily visible.
It is important for me to remember that I only need the things for today. My needs are promised, not my wants.
My wants are a separate matter of being granted as extra blessings above my needs.
I may want other things, I may be granted them, but always my needs are met.
Keith often reminds us both that “we have never missed a meal that we did not intend on missing.”
I am learning the value and importance of keeping needs and wants separate and simple.
I am learning to enjoy laying my head on the pillow at night and resting in the fact that “my daily bread” has been granted and tomorrow is another day.
May you enjoy a contented and peaceful sleep tonight as you remember your “daily bread”.


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