Favorite Things–Final Thoughts

Would I ever consider running back into a burning building to retrieve these things? No. Would I ever put their importance above the family and friends that I love? No. Do I enjoy to the fullest the things I treasure? Yes. How do I decide what objects are treasures? I let my heart decide by the emotions and memories they ignite. Always there is a story of people in my treasures. While my week of favorite things has not included all the things I mark as favorites, I have enjoyed visiting the memories, people and stories that make them treasures. One final practical thought.. When determining the things I surround myself with, I use this simple guideline. I have to … Love it ..memories to display, stories to tell. Use it …incorporate into my everyday use so the memories keep building. Or Lose it …find someone that will get use out of it and love it for what it is, or donate it to a worthy cause where someone unknown to me will purchase it and begin the cycl...