

I recently came across a quote
by Henry David Thoreau
on his thoughts on pathways.

" As a single footstep will not make a path on earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind."

As I pondered this thought, my mind was drawn to why do I like pathways? 

They are familiar ways to go, they show that someone has gone before me, they are sure and certain to get you somewhere, the obstacles have been pushed aside and cleared a smooth pathway.

I like mom and pop stores, where you know you will see familiar faces. I like stores that are not always changing where things are located. I like to have my name used with a note of recognition when I arrive for an appointment.
I like to hear "its so good to see you again".

I like the adventure of new things discovered, but I like returning to the familiar. 
I like the sense of reading a new book, by a familiar author.
I like trying a new dish, at a favorite restaurant. 
I like welcoming new people into my life, and fitting them into what I already love about my life.  

So what is it about pathways that intrigues me? Making them. Taking the first step on a pristine piece of ground and making a trail of my own footsteps. Or finding a well worn path of someone else's making and putting my first step behind another's. 

There are no time limits or boundaries to how many times a path can be walked. In fact, the journey gets richer with time and footsteps. 

What about the pathways we make in our minds? We make them with recounting sweet memories. We make them when we watch a familiar movie, or hear a familiar song. When we pull out a mug from the cabinet gifted to us by a friend or purchased to remember a place we have visited. 

Our minds as with the earth are just waiting to be visited over and over again to create a pathway to a special place of our choosing. 

So as I ponder pathways, I hope you do too. Come along with me in my next few blog writings and we will forge new paths and visit some old ones together.



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