Everyday wonders are illuminated when we take the time to notice. Creativity blooms as a result. Putting the everyday wonders "In the Limelight" keeps the simple wonders of everyday on center stage. Enjoy!
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What a pretty combination of everyday simple beauty. There are many things to appreciate in each day, but when you catch one first thing to get your day started, it is special.
Rain storms are in the forecast again today, so the sun light is even more appreciated this morning.
"This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."
There are a few areas of the house that don't necessarily have any other function other than practicality. That would be the Laundry Room. I have been fortunate that the last few houses we have lived in had a separate laundry room. This makes for a nicely defined space, but it can also cause problems if the space becomes a catchall for miscellaneous items that do not "fit" anywhere else. This causes a crowding in an area that is designed for a specific purpose- laundry! When moving into this new home recently, I decided to break any bad habits of overcrowding the area. Since I was starting with a blank slate, I chose carefully what would go into this space. Even though I stated that this area is for practicality, I still went for an aesthetically pleasing look. As you will see in the photos, I corral many items in baskets and see through jars. I also incorporated the height I have in 10 foot ceilings so I can take advantage of storage space available. ...
The Journey Begins Today begins my 6 month journey to launching my new business. I have been preparing for this one day at a time for many years and now is the time. All the parts and pieces of my life are coming together to allow me to realize my dream. My dream of fulfilling my creative side and the opportunity to invest into the future are just waiting for me to grab hold of. Like doing a puzzle, all the pieces have been laid out on the table. The corners are done, the edges are complete, the borders and boundaries are set. Some of the scene is visible to the eye, and some is still just in the minds eye until the pieces are laid. My plan is to share each week the progress I am making. This will help keep me on track, accountable to my goal, and enable me to see progress as I put it in writing. I am using those that have gone before me as a guide. I am searching out wisdom to avoid pitfalls and encouragement for the journey. ...
So it seems that although I was headed in the right direction to organizing using the alphabet, I did not count on the momentum I was building up as I concentrated on one letter, one project per day. Perhaps I was taking on too much too quick. Much like running down hill, you start off controlled and putting one foot in front of the other in an orderly fashion. Then all of a sudden, you take a leap and you are airborne and on the verge of a tumble rather than a run. In September, I recall that I stopped at the letter "I" to step back and get an "I"impression of what I accomplished and what needed to be done. This caused a major "INTERRUPTION" as I looked around at the projects I wanted to accomplish but at the same time wanted to keep moving forward. So before I took that fateful leap forward that may have resulted in a tumble or roll down the hill, I INTERRUPTED the process and concentrated on cleaning up loose ends. What have I bee...
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