The Journey ~ Getting Unstuck

The Journey ~ Coffee or Tea??? So it seems I have taken an unscheduled break from blogging my journey to my dream. How does this happen when the beginning was so enthusiastic and bursting the seams with hope? These two pictures explain a least to me! Let me try to explain. I spotted these mugs at TJ MAXX awhile back. I passed on purchasing one my first time around. One reason being I do not NEED any more mugs. The second reason being I could not decide if I was really a coffee or tea drinker at the very core of who I am. Not that it matters, but it seemed to matter to me, that day of indecision. On a trip back, I decided I was a tea drinker and was worthy of a mug that declared that fact. In the cart it went. Another day I was shopping there weeks later, I spotted the "coffee" mug still sitting on the shelf. Made sense to me that it was there for me since I am also a coffee drink lover and worthy of a mug that declared that as well. The other day I...