The Journey All Makes Sense!

It All Makes Sense... How does a Nutribullet, Almond Milk, Coconut Oil, Lecithin, Greens and Fresh Fruit fit into my journey and end up being a puzzle part of realizing my dream? Let me tell you... Keith and I are pretty healthy people and desire to stay that way. We live simple yet active lives, we desire and enjoy simple common pleasures in life, we don't have a long list of "wants" and we appreciate having the things we "need". Yet we found ourselves at a loss as to how to make life more significant and healthy for the long haul. Our Megan led the way... to a wellness chiropractor and medical massage therapist. As a runner, she needed to have an efficient well oiled and healthy body to accomplish her goals. She would share what she learned about her body and we could see her getting stronger and more defined. She was full of energy, both physical and mental. So we joined her and started visiting this team a l...